This is a warm variation of the classic white Tiger Balm. This balm is ideal for soothing and relieving muscular aches and pains as well as working to soothe itches caused by insect bites. Rub over affected area to reduces aches, swelling and other discomforts quickly and effectively.
Camphor 11.0%w/w, Levomenthol 10.0%w/w, Cajuput oil 7.0%w/w, Clove oil 5.0%w/w, also contains cinnamon oil, demetholised mint oil, yellow soft paraffin and hard paraffin cinnamylalkohol
Direction of Use
For external use only. Muscular aches & pains: To be rubbed gently on the affected parts of skin as necessary. Tension headache: Rub a small amount onto the forehead or temples using circular motions; repeat as necessary. For first time usage, always apply on small area of your skin first to test out any unlikely skin irritation.